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Behaviour, Uniform and Equipment

Our approach to behaviour at Finchley Catholic High School is intricately woven into our Catholic ethos, aligning with our mission statement.

Our mission encompasses fostering an environment where we embrace the joy of God’s creation, cultivate a faith that sustains us through challenges and triumphs, and nurture inquiring minds that value scholarship and a lifelong joy of learning. In addition, we aim to build a steadfast community characterised by a thirst for dignity, respect, and social justice.

With a commitment to creating a positive culture that promotes excellent behaviour, our objectives include:

  • Establishing a calm, safe, and orderly environment based on Gospel Values, enabling both staff and students to realise their full potential.
  • Implementing a whole-school approach to maintaining high standards of behaviour reflective of our school's values.
  • Ensuring a consistent approach to behaviour management that is applied equitably to all students.
  • Defining unacceptable behaviour, including bullying and discrimination.
  • Upholding and enhancing the school's excellent reputation in the local and wider community.

Our students are encouraged to develop high aspirations and ambition for their work and behaviour in school, respect for others' feelings, opinions, and cultures, as well as respect for themselves, demonstrated through pride in their achievements and adherence to high standards of uniform and behaviour. Additionally, fostering respect for the environment, including the school, personal and others' property, and the wider community, is emphasised.

The promotion of good behaviour is a collective responsibility, and as a school, we are dedicated to collaborating with parents and carers to ensure students reach their potential. The success of this approach relies on the wholehearted support of the entire Finchley Catholic Community, including parents/carers, students, staff, and governors.

To formalise this commitment, a Home/School Agreement is in place.

Home School Agreement

We uphold a firm yet fair approach to discipline at Finchley Catholic High School, grounded in the belief in strong standards of behaviour, courtesy, and a positive work ethic.

We emphasize high aspirations and respect for every member of the school community.

Our school rules clearly state that mobile phones are prohibited for students in years 7 to 11. We rely on the support of parents/carers to reinforce this policy, which is well-communicated and understood by all.

While we are committed to working collaboratively with parents/carers to address and improve a student's attitude or behaviour, we recognise that, in some cases, additional measures may be necessary. Our range of sanctions include after-school and Saturday morning detentions lasting up to an hour and a half. Typically, we provide twenty-four hours' notice for these detentions, although, in exceptional circumstances, we reserve the right to detain a student for up to an hour without notice. A 20-minute detention may also be issued for the same day as the sanction, which can be viewed by parents through Class Charts.

We actively engage with external support agencies to provide specialised assistance when needed. For serious breaches of the rules, the school may issue fixed-term exclusions, with permanent exclusion considered as a last resort.

For a comprehensive understanding of our disciplinary approach, additional details are available in our behaviour policy.

Behaviour Policy

We strongly believe that maintaining high standards of dress reflects positively on overall standards.

Our school uniform serves as a source of pride and identity, aligning with the rich traditions of our school. All students are required to wear the official uniform, except for Sixth Form students who adhere to their specific dress code.

We emphasise the importance of neat and tidy hair, reflecting a professional appearance. For safety reasons, hair longer than collar length should be securely tied back. Students in Key Stages 3 and 4 are advised not to wear earrings. Additionally, proper PE kit is essential for PE lessons, and Technology classes require the use of aprons.

For a detailed overview of our uniform requirements, please refer to our Uniform Policy. If you have any questions or need assistance, including inquiries about purchasing second-hand uniform items, kindly contact the school office, as we maintain a limited supply.


A well-stocked pencil case aids students in being ready to learn effectively. Please see below for the equipment students are expected to bring to school:


  • Black or blue pen
  • Green pen (Reflect & Perfect)
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Rubber
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Glue stick
  • Protractor
  • Compass
  • Scientific calculator (Casio FX 85 GT Plus or CASIO FX-991EX)
  • Water bottle
  • Reading book 
  • School PE kit
  • Dry wipe whiteboard marker


  • Spare black or blue pen
  • Spare green pen
  • Spare pencil
  • Highlighters
  • Safety scissors
  • Coloured pencils
  • Dictionary
  • Thesaurus
  • French/Spanish dictionary
  • Tissues