Mrs Arnull with Beth, our school therapy dog
It is a real pleasure and privilege to welcome you to our website. I hope that it gives existing and prospective parents/carers and staff, as well as students past and present, an opportunity to gain a real sense of our unique community and the excellent education we provide.
Finchley Catholic High is a distinctively Catholic school, where we strive to ensure that all members of our community are known and loved for who they are. We know that students flourish and learn effectively when they are happy, safe and secure and we provide such an environment for all of our students. All adults who work here at Finchley Catholic know that our prime focus is to walk alongside our young people as they undertake their faith and their educational journeys so that when students leave our school, they are well prepared for their next stage and equipped to make a really positive contribution to the wider world.
The relationship we build with our parental community is of paramount importance to us. We believe that parents are the ‘prime educators’ and our continued success owes much to the highly effective partnership we establish with all of our parents. We commit to working very closely with them in a mutually supportive way, to ensure the very best provision and outcomes for their sons and daughters.
If you are considering an application to the school, I would encourage you to come and visit us and see the school in action. Consideration of the various external reports that are available to you, and for which links have been provided, alongside a visit, will ensure you are then in a strong position in terms of making an informed choice.
We have a long and proud history. Finchley Catholic High School was founded in 1926 by the redoubtable Canon Clement Parsons, Parish Priest of St Alban’s. A man of great drive and vision, he was responsible for the creation of a school that has provided a first-class Catholic education for the thousands of students that have passed through its doors during its history. The school motto, ‘Grant that we may be truly wise’, remains as central to our mission today as when it was first adopted. We cherish these strong foundations, but we are also an outward looking school committed to securing high achievement and opportunities for all of our students and preparing them for the demands of their future lives as global citizens.
Our school has continued to excel through the talent and commitment of those who work here. We invest significantly in ensuring that we appoint the best teachers, all of whom are subject specialists, and we welcome expressions of interest from those who might be keen to secure employment at Finchley Catholic High School. If you have the talent and commitment to make a real difference; and the willingness to ‘go the extra mile’, we would be delighted to hear from you.
We look forward to the future with confidence, excitement and an ongoing commitment to serve our young people with love and compassion. In whatever capacity, we invite you to join us in our mission.