Exam Information

If you have any queries about the exam timetable or guidelines, please contact our dedicated Examination Officers, Mrs Nash and Mrs Moyles.

You can contact them directly at 020 8445 0105 ext 214 or 213, or via email at examsoffice@finchleycatholic.org.uk.

They are here to assist parents/carers and students with any exam-related queries.

Summer 2024 Result Days

A Levels -Thursday 15th August 2024: results will be available to collect in person from 8.00am to 10.00am

GCSE -Thursday 22nd August 2024: results will be available to collect in person from 9.00am to 11.00am

If you are unable to collect in person, you have a number of options:

1. You can nominate someone to collect your results on your behalf: if this is your preferred option, please email examsoffice@finchleycatholic.org.uk by the end of term and confirm who will be collecting your results on your behalf. Please note the person collecting your results must bring identification with them. Due to data protection regulations, we will not be able to give your results to anyone other than this named person.

2. You can ask for your results to be posted: If this is your preferred option, you should give the Exams Office a stamped addressed envelope (SAE) by the end of term. Please email examsoffice@finchleycatholic.org.uk to confirm that this is your preferred option. You can either bring your SAE into school or send it by post marked for the attention of the Exams Office.

3. You can ask for your results to be emailed: If this is your preference, please email examsoffice@finchleycatholic.org.uk by the end of term. Please note, that we can only email results to students themselves. 

Further information can be found on the Results Day Preparations letters issued to parents/carers and students on 18th June 2024.