Message from the Head - March

This article is from our newsletter, The Albanian.

Please see The Albanian Newsletter for a plethora of articles!

March 28th sees the end of another very busy term for us here at school. Obviously, our teaching staff continue to deliver high quality learning opportunities across all subject areas and we are very fortunate that they are very generous with their time, facilitating a wide variety of extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities for our young people.

Our performing Arts Department held a recital evening on March 26th when students were enabled to showcase their wonderful talents. Our sports teams have been participating in a variety of competitions and doing very well with them. A number of finals are taking place after the Easter break so we will share these outcomes when we are able to do so. A Year 9 visit to Romeo and Juliet at The Globe Theatre took place recently which is one of a number of theatre visits arranged for our students. Visits to galleries, different places of worship and a variety of universities have also been arranged to enrich students’ experiences. The senior ski trip to Mont-Tremblant in Canada was a great success in February. Our young people are very fortunate to have staff who are so willing to give of their time to enable this wide range of opportunities to be available to them.

Year 11 and Year 13 have undertaken their second set of mock exams this term. We have held carefully constructed Information Evenings and workshops for both cohorts ahead of the Easter break to support their revision programme during their holiday period. Public exams begin shortly after we return from the holiday so I hope students use this time well. Year 12 exams commence the day students return. Mock exams are crucial in preparing for public exams and we hope all students take them seriously.

A very real strength of our Catholic community is the obvious support for the Common Good. Even with the ongoing cost of living crisis, our families continue to be extremely generous in supporting our fundraising efforts. Cafod fast day resulted in £437.20 being raised and we received 416 Easter Eggs for our drive. These donations have been dropped off to North London hospice, Noah’s Ark, Barnet Young Carers and Homeless Action and have been gratefully received.

Before we break for the holiday, all Year groups will celebrate a liturgy to support our collective preparation for Easter. I hope parents and carers have been able to support our young people to undertake their personal lent challenges.

Our Summer term begins Tuesday April 16th when students need to be on site to commence their learning by 8.30am. I wish you and your families a very happy and holy Easter.

Kind regards,

Niamh Arnull