This article is from our newsletter, The Albanian.
Please see The Albanian Newsletter for a plethora of articles!
We are fast approaching the end of yet another very busy term here at Finchley Catholic High School. The last week of term will see all Year groups participating in an Advent service as well as an end of term celebration assembly which combine to make a fitting end to the autumn term. We also have planned our Christmas Revue, hosted by our 6th Form for KS3 students and we welcome back our A level students from the summer to collect their certificates in an evening of celebration and reunion. We held our Christmas market on December 12th, immediately after our Carol Service and it was wonderful to see so many parents and carers in attendance. We are incredibly fortunate to have a staff who are so willing to support and encourage our young people’s personal development so generously. Visits to the theatre, art galleries, museums, external lectures as well as sporting fixtures, the Duke of Edinburgh events as well as an array of clubs and activities are on offer for our students. Please do encourage your young person to get involved in some activities outside their lessons and continue to develop their talents and interests. Please keep an eye on our social media, @fchslondon, for regular updates of events and news from our community. As you know, our long-awaited plans for a Sports Hall on our site are now being translated into reality. Construction work began on December 2 nd and our main school playground is currently containing diggers and paraphernalia linked with construction! Many thanks to our whole community for their patience whilst we are a building site and long may it continue. Our support for the Common Good continues across the school community and thank you to everyone who has supported our endeavours to make a difference for others. Sponsored runs and walks have taken place: a 6th Form film night arranged and generous donations of dry goods received for charity. Thank you for your encouragement and support with our students’ efforts to work with these charities. Please ensure Year 11 and Year 13 students are supported to use some of the holiday period to prepare for their crucial mock exams early next term. Our junior ski trip departs on December 27th for Nassfeld, Austria. We hope all involved have an enjoyable and safe experience. When it comes, I hope you all have a holy and happy Christmas. Thank you for your ongoing support and we look forward to a peaceful and joyous 2025.
With every good wish, Niamh Arnull