Message from the Head - July

This article is from our newsletter, The Albanian.

Please see The Albanian Newsletter for a plethora of articles!

Another incredibly busy academic year is drawing to a close as our summer term ends. As you know, we have had public exams for Year 11 and Year 13 as well as internal exams and assessments for all other Year groups. Year 12 are undertaking work shadowing at the time of writing and Year 10 have successfully completed their Work Experience placements with extremely positive feedback received here at school from employers involved in supporting this initiative. We have had activity days, which have involved trips to The Tower of London and Greenwich, forensic science and murder mystery events, dance, art and technology sessions as well as drugs education and financial education inputs. Sports days have been held as well as public speaking competitions, a Spelling Bee and our Sports Award evening. We have held induction days for our prospective Year 7 and Year 12 students as well as Information evenings for Year 10 and 12. A multitude of extra-curricular and enrichment activities have been arranged alongside our daily provision of high quality learning opportunities. I hope that this edition of The Albanian gives an accurate snapshot of the range and breadth of our community’s activities and an insight to the successful year we have had. Many thanks to our students and their parents/carers for your tremendous support with our fundraising events throughout the year. Below we see Year 9 students presenting Homeless Action in Barnet with a cheque for £1,700 following their recent sleepout charity event during an incredibly wet Friday night here at school. Well done to all involved. None of these events would be possible without the generous support of our wonderful staff. I m extremely grateful to my colleagues for their time, expertise and determination to secure such outstanding provision for our young people. We are at that time of year when we say farewell to some colleagues who are moving on to pastures new. Later in this edition, you will see some interviews with colleagues and you will note that Caroline Kouttis leaves us after 16 years, Nikki Zavagno departs after 15 and a half years and Jack Cronin after 14 years. We wish them and all of our departing colleagues best wishes in their new ventures. Thank you to all of our parents and carers for your ongoing support and cooperation. We appreciate and value our partnership, working for our young people. Please note that Years 7 and 12 begin their new term on September 4th and all Year groups return on September 5th . Have a safe and enjoyable summer break.

Kind regards,

Niamh Arnull